Dynertial Pitch Control
Dynertial Pitch Control
Dynertial Pitch Control
Pitch control
Airspeed/Vertical Rate/Inertial Unit in Dynertial
Pitch servo and rudder servo
Dynertial Amplifier Diaphragm
Airspeed diaphragm-Broken, Inertial weight
Altitude Diaphragm
Dynertial broken daphragm, inertial wt and valve mechanism
Altitude Diaphragm, cracked
Altitude module with steel sheet valve spring
Altitude Diaphragm
Dynertial amplifier shuttle valve
Positive pressure amplifier diaphragm-most are negative pressure
Amplifier contamination
Dynertial Amplifier shuttle valve
Amplifier output and "V" gain setting
Dynertial amp. diaphragm
Altitude module
Pitch dynertial "decay rate" setting-- very sensitive, sometimes 1/16 turn is a lot
Pitch "teeter totter" valve-airspeed/VS/inertial
Pitch "teeter totter" valve-airspeed/VS/inertial
Amplifer diaphragm--stretched
Under the clock - flash off
Under the clock - flash on.
Elevator servo (blue hose)
Elevator Servo (yellow hose)
Dynertial Pitch Control and Altitude Control (bottom)
Dynertial Pitch Control and Altitude Control (bottom)
Dynertial Pitch Control and Altitude Control (bottom)
Opposite side of Dynertial Pitch Control and Altitude Control (bottom)
Access portal for hoses entering tail cone (pilot's side, above battery box).
Baggage compartment
Compass for B-6 heading - mounted in tail